PinnedPublished inPredict4 Battery Technologies that May Change EverythingIs clean tech about to steamroll fossil fuels?Jul 2, 20227Jul 2, 20227
PinnedPublished inPredict5 Disruptive Clean Tech Innovations to Reverse Climate Change(1) Perovskite Solar Cells; (2) Sodium-Ion Batteries; (3) Nanomembrane Desalination & Pumped Hydro; (4) Aeroponics & Reforestation; and (5)…Aug 14, 2022Aug 14, 2022
9 Ideas that can Transform your LifeChange your thoughts, change your reality.Aug 22, 20221Aug 22, 20221
10 Tips for Succeeding in Law SchoolIt’s not half as hard as people make it out to be — but you need the right habits.Aug 21, 20221Aug 21, 20221
6 Soft Skills that will Supercharge a Legal (or Corporate) CareerBuilding the right daily habits will help you survive.Aug 20, 2022Aug 20, 2022
How a $100 Solar System Charges all my Electronics for FreeOne foldable solar panel the size of a sheet of paper charges my iPhone, iPad, Chromebook, and VR.Aug 17, 20227Aug 17, 20227
Published inPredictHow to Fix the “Metaverse” — 3 Steps to Mainstream VRMeta’s vision has promise, but it continuously flounders on execution.Aug 17, 2022Aug 17, 2022
How to Go to Law School without Student Debt — and Why it MattersYou don’t have to be a genius, or have family money, to launch your career on the right trajectory.Aug 16, 20222Aug 16, 20222
Published inPredictSustainable Ocean Cities are on the HorizonOne solution to the housing, climate, and fiscal crises may be settling the seas.Jul 8, 2022Jul 8, 2022
Published inHalcyonThe Answer to California’s Water Crisis is ImaginationWhat the world’s former innovation capital can learn from 21st-Century Dubai.Jun 18, 20229Jun 18, 20229